miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2009
Top 10 Things that should not be discussed online
duminică, 15 noiembrie 2009
Top 10 al celor mai violente jocuri
10.) Carmageddon - 1997
Violenta din "Carmageddon" rezida mai ales in inzestrarea jucatorului cu posibilitatea de a trece peste pietoni in cele mai brutale moduri imaginabile, aflat in spatele volanului virtual al unui sinistru autovehicul modificat si auster, desprins parca din filmul american din 1975, "Death Race 2000". Spulberarea pietonilor in fragmente consistente de carne sangeranda, detonarea de bombe si distrugerea vehiculelor inamice cu ajutorul unui tenebros arsenal de arme si dotari sunt doar cateva elemente din meniul violentei servit in acest joc video pentru... copii. Poate ca fraza de prezentare de pe ambalajul in care venea "Carmageddon" ilustra cel mai bine continutul sau: "Jocul de curse pentru cei instabili psihic". Atat de adevarat.
9.) Soldier of Fortune – 2000
Pastrand registrul sangeros tridimensional, amanuntul-cheie care a facut diferenta dintre "Soldier of Fortune" si celelalte rude ale sale de tipul First-Person-Shooter a fost intrebuintarea sistemului GHOUL. Este vorba despre un motor grafic bazat pe fizica reala care ii permite jucatorului sa tortureze si sa isi brutalizeze inamicii in functie cele mai sadice porniri pe care si le poate imagina. Pe fundalul traditionalei povesti a combaterii teroristilor si a prevenirii unui razboi nuclear (dimpreuna cu ocazia de a il ucide pe Saddam Hussein insusi), jocul ofera numeroase mostre de brutalitate care pipereaza contextul nu neaparat spectaculos. Imprastierea pe pereti a vintrelor unui dusman cu ajutorul unei pusti, sangele care ii zvacneste din trup si organele care i se imprastie pe jos fac din acest joc unul dintre cele mai violente titluri ale tuturor timpurilor.
8.) God of War – 2007
Esti Kratos, fost razboinic al armatei spartane si nemilosul zeu din panteonul zeilor Greciei Antice. Suna destul de simplu? Poate, insa povestea implica si eradicarea trecutului tau tumultos, care presupune alegerea unei cai violente si mortale catre a-ti satisface aceasta dorinta. O asemenea sarcina va necesita varsarea a rauri de sange, sudoare si lacrimi. Am mentionat sange? "God of War II" promoveaza intrebuintarea nemiloasa a armelor, uciderea spectaculoasa si sangeroasa a inamicilor si scene brutale demne sa il faca pe Quentin Tarantino sa roseasca. Povestea mitologica de fundal a jocului serveste la compensarea violentei asemanatoare cu cea a strazilor din zilele moderne, dar, la urma urmei, probabil ca nici nemilosii zei nu isi reglau diferentele la o ceasca de ceai.
7.) Gears of War 2 – 2008
Folosirea unui cadavru pe post de scut uman atunci cand esti expus focului inamic este suficient de infioratoare; dar transarea unui dusman cu ajutorul unei drujbe din cap pana in picioare este de-a dreptul abjecta, mai ales deca ne gandim la sangele tasnit din corpul respectiv. Indiferent de situatie, "Gears of War II" ofera aventurierului third-person suficienta violenta incat sa ii satisfaca cele mai sangeroase porniri. Atunci cand din trupul personajului principal sau din cele ale inamicilor erupe sangele vreunei plagi impuscate sau taiate, ecranul este improscat cu tente rosiatice diforme, obstructionand campul vizual al jucatorului si sugerand manjirea cu sange a chipului.
6.) Mortal Kombat – 1992
Originile jocurilor video violente sunt greu de urmarit si, desi este tentant sa dam un asemenea verdict, nu putem pretinde cu certitudine ca Mortal Kombat poseda titulatura de primul joc video cu adevarat sangeros. Insa multi s-au grabit sa-i atribuie acest statut atunci cand jocul a debutat, in 1992, in calculatoarele, consolele si salile de jocuri din toata lumea. Tumultul si galagia au fost fara precedent la acea data, pe masura ce jucatorii se angajau in meciurile de karate 2-D cu o varietate de miscari care duceau la hemoragii, explozii, fracturi de membre si multe alte lucruri dureroase. Desi era un joc teribil, menit sa la oripileze pe mamele din toata lumea, copiii adorau personajele si formulele spectaculoase de lupta care le stateau la dispozitie in buntoanele tastaturilor si pe ecranele computerelor. Un mare deliciu era pentru orice mic "luptator" sa isi termine oponentul prin grozavii de o rara violenta, precum "Fatalitati" sau "Brutalitati", care se soldau cu smulgerea mainilor, cu aruncarea in tepi metalici si cu multe alte atrocitati. "Finish him" a devenit una dintre cele mai recunoscute replici din istoria jocurilor video.
5.) Thrill Kill – 1998
Este vorba despre un joc tridimensional de "batai" realizat special pentru Sony Play Station, care este chiar si astazi disponibil pe internet, desi nu a fost publicat vreodata in mod oficial. Caracteristica sa de baza era aceea ca aduce intr-o arena nu doua personaje, ca in cazul celor mai multe jocuri de ring, ci patru zombie, care se pot distruge in toate modurile imaginabile. Numai cei sadici ar fi cautat acest joc si s-ar fi bucurat de el. Fiind inarmati cu seringi si potcoave, avand membre amputate si chiar mai mult de atat, jucatorii isi storc recirpoc viata unul din celalalt intr-un mod grotesc, fetisist si chiar sexual, intotdeauna cu rezultatul varsarii de prea mult sange. Personajele se pot lovi intre ele suficient de puternic incat sa se lipeasca de pereti, sa le zboare captele, sa explodeze sau chiar sa se lipeasca de tavan, in timp ce sangele se scurge pe invingatorul aflat in extaz.
4.) MadWorld – 2009
Ce este in intregime alb, negru si rosu? Victimele tale, dupa ce le despici in bucati, le zdrobesti de pereti si de podele si le smulgi organele din corp, in jocul "MadWorld". Sau poate ca raspunsul este macinarea inamicilor intr-un aparat de tocat ori chiar jocul de darts cu ei pe post de sageti si cu o bata de baseball pe post de declansator, in cadrul aceluiasi joc video. Oricare ar fi stilul de ucidere, "MadWorld" nu "se joaca" atunci cand vine vorba de factorul violenta. Contrastul extrem de vizibil care se realizeaza intre modelul bicromatic (alb-negru) al jocului si sangele rosu, foarte nuantat, al personajelor, ne face sa credem ca "MadWorld" este conceput in special pentru a da satisfactie laturii violente a jucatorilor. La propriu, jocul capata un pic de culoare numai atunci cand personajul principal, coordonat de jucator, isi raneste extrem de violent oponentii. Iar noi, pentru ca suntem dependenti de culoare, trebuie sa ne supunem regulilor si sa o obtinem prin orice mijloace disponibile.
3.) Manhunt – 2003
Manhunt este un joc al executiilor de mare valoare... grafica. Exista trei "niveluri" de executii, acestea devenind tot mai sangeroase pe masura ce se succed. Executiile de nivel unu sunt rapide si cel mai putin sangeroase. Executiile de tip doi sunt considerate mai brutale, in timp crimele de nivel trei sunt peste limita. Un exemplu de executie de nivel unu este sufocarea pana la moartea a unui inamic cu ajutorul unei pungi de plastic. Executia de tip doi ar putea implica amputarea testiculelor unui dusman prin trecerea unei sabii printre picioarele acestuia. La nivelul trei, executia poate implica injungherea in spate a dusmanului cu o ranga, urmata de blocarea in cap a aceluiasi instrument si rotirea sa prin craniul victimei. Jocul ii incurajeaza pe utilizatori sa isi ucida inamicii in cele mai brutale moduri posibile.
2.) Grand Theft Auto III – 2001
Ne confruntam cu un caz special si poate cel mai periculos, intrucat, spre deosebire de toate celalalte jocuri violente prezentate in acest top, actiunea GTA III nu se petrece intr-o arena, in timpul unui razboi sau in vremuri indepartate. Nu, jocul simuleaza foarte real viata reala, din vremuri contemporane, a unui tanar criminal. Iar violenta din acest joc nu este conditionata de un context special, ci numai de situatiile pe care oricine dintre noi le poate intalni pe strada, in viata de zi cu zi. Pentru ca necunoscatorii sa isi faca o idee vaga, furtul de masini, actiune sugerata de chiar titlul jocului, reprezinta cea mai nevinovata infractiune pe care personajul principal o poate comite in GTA III si in general in toata seria de jocuri Grand Theft Auto. La fel de usor este sa incinerezi nevinovati peste tot prin oras, sa ii spulberi cu masina pe trotuare, sa arunci in aer politisti si masini de politie sau sa faci un carnagiu cu sute de victime, dispunand de un arsenal de foc demn de un regiment. In plus, si intriga jocului este de natura frivola, implicand trafic de droguri si de arme, prostitutie si crime... nenumarate crime.
1.) Postal 2 – 2003
Ocuparea tronului in ceea ce priveste violenta jocurilor video este un privilegiu rezervat adesea numai titlurilor de elita, iar "Postal 2" isi revendica fara prea mare efort aceasta postura. Este vorba despre un joc in care nu inseamna ceva nefiresc sa arunci cu grenade in civili sau sa le amputezi din senin picioarele cu ajutorul unei coase, daca refuza sa participe la istoriile tale cotidiene. "Postal 2" este de-a dreptul sadic pentru ca implica folosirea unor pisici vii pe post de amortizoare pentru armele din dotare, lovirea personajelor cu un cap de vaca taiat sau servirea catre caini a craniilor sangerande apartinand victimelor proaspat dezmembrate. "Postal 2" este zenitul notiunii de violenta si sadism in jocurile video, transpunand pe ecran imaginatia creatoare demna de niste minti bolnave, ceea ce reuseste sa ii surprinda chiar si pe cei mai excentrici jucatori.
vineri, 6 noiembrie 2009
Ia un post la BaniPePost
Compania Netpress Consulting face angajari in vederea promovarii site-ului BaniPePost!
BaniPePost este un site prin intermediul caruia bloggerii talentati isi pot rotunji veniturile, scriind articole publicitare pentru clientii site-ului. Este, de asemenea, primul de genul acesta in Romania, cu un numar de bloggeri in continua crestere.
V-am explicat, deci, cum puteti castiga bani cu BaniPePost in calitate de blogger.
Acum, fiind in continua expansiune, compania face noi angajari in cadrul site-ului, mai exact agenti de vanzari. Cel mai mare avantaj il constituie faptul ca acest post poate reprezenta a doua slujba, intrucat angajatii vor fi platiti in functie de rezultate, ci nu de orele de munca. Astfel, vor primi un comision din contractele incheiate... destul de atragator, nu?
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Persoanele care doresc sa se angajeze trebuie sa fie ambitioase, active, sa aiba spirit de echipa si binenteles acestea nu ajuta daca nu are motivare pentru castiguri suplimentare. Abilitatile de comunicare si de negociere reprezinta un mare avantaj. Stiti si voi: trebuie sa convingi clientul ca merita publicitatea, sa ii spui cum merge treaba cu publicitatea, nu sa fii un mototol care se sperie in fata clientului. Oricum, nu te lasa intimidat de cerinte.
Cei interesati de obtinerea postului trebuie sa trimita un CV la adresa
Top 10 Greatest Firearms in History

“Hitler’s Buzzsaw,” invented in 1942, is infamous around the world as the weapon used at Omaha Beach to mow Americans down, but it was used in Russia to much more brutal effect. It fired 1,200 rounds of 8mm rifle ammunition per minute, which is sufficient to cut a man in half. It was air-cooled, and could melt its barrel if fired non-stop for 5 minutes.
That’s why the Germans had several barrel at hand, and could change to a new one in only 60 seconds.

The Glock is the ultimate in modern reliability. You can pour sand down the barrel and it will shoot. It will shoot underwater. It is commonly used in 9mm, but is chambered for .40 Sig and .45 ACP among others. It is the standard law enforcement sidearm today and will continue to be for a long time. It almost never jams, is waterproof, mostly plastic.

The British equivalent of the German Mauser has one trump on it, a 10 round magazine, compared to 8. The British adopted it into the army in 1895 and used it exclusively until 1957. Soldiers were drilled until they could perform “the mad minute,” firing 30rounds in 60 seconds and hitting 30 targets. This required reloading twice, and working the bolt back and forth in less than half a second.
The rifle is accurate to 1,000 yards with open sights, and served in India (notoriously used against unarmed civilians), the Boer War, bothWorld Wars, and many others.

The Browning Machine Gun is chambered for the most awe-inspiring shoulder-fired cartridge to date. It is designed with one thing in mind: power tends to corrupt; absolute power is kinda sweet. The 800 grain powder load has 14,895 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle, which is enough to put a full metal jacketed round through three approaching vehicles. It has shot down helicopters with one round.
Now imagine a belt-fed machine gun spewing a curtain of these rounds at you at 1,200 rounds per minute. Special Sabot rounds can go clean through tanks.

Made famous by Dirty Harry in 1971, it was invented in 1955, and is still thought of as one of the most powerful handguns in the world, though it has been eclipsed by the .500 magnum, the Desert Eagle .50 AE, the .454 Casull and a few others.
But what those other hand cannons lack is controlability and comparatively low cost. The .44 Magnum will still run you at least $800 new, which is a lot for a revolver, but very cheap compared to other magnums. You will not break your wrist shooting it, and yet it can drop Cape Buffaloes and Polar Bears. If I may be afforded one bad joke, it will make your day. Provided that you feel lucky. Punk.

The bolt action had been kicking around since at least 1824, when Paul Mauser and Co. patented the 1893 version in 7mm. It has become the benchmark, on which all bolt action rifles are based, and against which all are compared. There are three primary bolt action systems: the Lee-Enfield, the Mauser, and the Mosin-Nagant.
Of the three, the Mauser system is by far the most widespread, the most reliable, and the most battle-proven rifle mechanism theworld has ever seen. The 1893 Mauser was the first, and original models still operate perfectly.

The icon of the Old West, the Colt .45 revolver was invented in 1873 and immediately caught on as extraordinarily accurate at close range, compared to the ball and cap conversions popular at the time. Its caliber was sufficient to flip a charging man backward off his feet. It can be used today to hunt deer and black bears. The larger powder loads can take down grizzly bears.
It’s as famous as the gun of Wyatt Earp, among other Old West celebrities.

The granddaddy of all lever-action firearms. Benjamin Tyler Henry invented it in 1860, but neither the Union nor Confederacy wanted much to do with it, as they were afraid their soldiers would fire too quickly and waste ammunition. If I may use a cliched joke, “military intelligence.” Thank you.
It fired a revolutionary, self-contained cartridge in .44 caliber, with 568 foot-pounds of stopping power, more than enough to put a man down. It held 16rounds in a tube magazine, and a good man could fire 28 rounds per minute, so much better than 3 per minute with a muzzle-loading percussion cap musket, that if either side had adopted the rifle as standard for infantry, that side would certainly have won.

Accurate enough to do the job out to about 400 yards, which is all anyone usually needs in a battle, the AK-47 is the ultimate pinnacle in rugged reliability. It will not break down under fire unless something catastrophic happens to it. You can drive a tank over it, throw it against a wall, submerge it in sand, water, mud, and every time it will go right on firing when you pull the trigger.
I know a Vietnam veteran who was walking through triple canopy jungle one day in 1966, came across an abandoned AK-47, and couldn’t get the bolt to slide back. It was too corroded from the rain and weather. The wood was rotting off. But he put it butt first on the ground, stomped the action open, and it chambered a round, which he fired accurately at a tree 50 yards away. He stomped the action open again, and it chambered another round, which he fired accurately.

Every bit as rugged and reliable as the AK-47, this handgun was invented by John Browning for the Colt Company, in 1911, as a sidearm for American soldiers. It immediately proved itself a world beater in WWI, again in WWII, and has been a cornerstone of the American military ever since.
But its most impressive feat has been the ease with which even untrained civilians can fire it accurately, keep it in working order, and defend themselves ably with it. 7 + 1rounds of fat, man-stopping power perfect for close-range self-defense. Soldiers have dragged it through swamps in the Pacific Theater of WWII, with their fingers on the trigger, then whipped it out of the muck and fired all 8 rounds accurately.
The only way to improve on it would be to make it cheaper. You’ll spend $1,000 on one.
joi, 5 noiembrie 2009
Bani pe Post
Blogurile, un mod de a te afirma, tot mai exploatat de cei care utilizeaza internetul. Bloggeri sunt oameni deosebiti, oameni care au ceva de spus, care isi impartasesc talentele cu restul lumii, insa daca ajungi sa ii cunosti afli ca sunt doar oameni.
Cand eram si eu la inceputul acestora, eram foarte entuziasmat. Initial am avut un blog galerie unde imi prezentam creatiile 3D, insa acesta avea succes numai atunci cand postam ceva nou, iar eu simteam ca pot mai mult. Mi-a luat ceva timp pana sa imi vina ideea asta. Blogul, se pare, a avut succes inca de la primul post. Am continuat as caut Top-uri si numarul de vizite a crescut.
Mai tarziu, mi-am amintit ca este totusi criza si ca nu ar fi rau sa castig niste bani. Am dat un search pe Google si am asa am descoperit BaniPePost. O metoda de a castiga bani destul de veche in afara, dar inca tanara in Romania. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa detii un blog cu o vechime mai mare de o luna si sa semnezi un contract.
Probabil ca te intrebi cum functioneaza sistemul.
Pe pagina BaniPePost apar diverse oferte de la sponsori, cu privire la scrierea unor articole publicitare. Tu iti alegi un articol, il scrii, iar daca sponsorului ii place trebuie sa il tii pe blog timp de 30 de zile. Sponsorul va plati pentru articol, iar banii vor intra in contul tau BaniPePost. In momentul in care ai acumulat 200 RON ii poti retrage.
Partea frumoasa este ca de sarbatori toata lumea isi primeste banii!
miercuri, 4 noiembrie 2009
Top 10 Best Motorbikes of 2009
#10 Suzuki GSX-R 1000
User Reviews:
- “Beast from the East!” – Mike(Owner), Jan. 8, 2009
- “Everything about the GSXR 100 is outstanding!!!” – Jacob Mata(Enthusiast), Nov. 21, 2008 Review: 2009 Suzuki GSX-R1000 Review – Getting better with age: An all-new Gixxer Thousand
- MSRP: $12,899.0
- Cylinders: 4
- Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
- Displacement (cc/ci): 999 / 60.9
- Compression Ratio: 12.8:1
#9 BMW F 800 ST
User Reviews:
“F800ST Absolutely Awesome!” – Chris(Owner), May. 15, Shootout: 2008 Middleweight Sport-Touring Shootout: BMW F800ST vs. Honda VFR800 Interceptor – Two 800s to the 800s
- MSRP: $10,600.00
- Engine Type: Parallel Twin
- Cylinders: 2
- Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
- Valves: 8
- Valves Per Cylinder: 4
- Compression Ratio: 12.0:1
- Displacement (cc/ci): 798 / 48.7
#8 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14
User Reviews:
- “by far the best bike I have ever owned” – Mike McSween(Owner), Dec. 26, 2008
- “Incredible is all I can say.” – Chase(Owner), Jun. 11, 2009
- MSRP: $12,099.00
- Engine Type: Horizontal In-line
- Cylinders: 4
- Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
- Valves: 16
- Valves Per Cylinder: 4
- Displacement (cc/ci): 1352 / 82.5
- Compression Ratio: 12.0:1
#7 Kawasaki Ninja 650R
User Reviews:
- “Perfect balance of performance and comfort” – Erik Tyler(Owner), May. 16, 2009
- “I love this bike!!” – Larry L.(Owner), May. 6, 2009
- MSRP: $6,799.00
- Engine Type: Parallel Twin
- Cylinders: 2
- Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
- Valves: 8
- Valves Per Cylinder: 4
- Valve Configuration: DOHC
- Displacement (cc/ci): 649 / 39.6
- Compression Ratio: 11.3:1
#6 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 Monster Energy
User Reviews:
- “What a bike!” – Jeff(Owner), Apr. 10, 2009
- “I recommend everyone to get the bike. Smooth RIDE. Sick looking bike!!!!!!” – Nick(Owner), May. 25, 2009
- MSRP: $12,399.00
- Engine Type: Horizontal In-line
- Cylinders: 4
- Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
- Valves: 16
- Valves Per Cylinder: 4
- Valve Configuration: DOHC
- Displacement (cc/ci): 1352 / 82.5
- Compression Ratio: 12.0:1
#5 Harley-Davidson VRSC V-Rod Muscle
User Reviews:
- “AWESOME!!! V-R0DI traded in my ‘05 vrscb for a new Muscle WOW what a change!! I love the new rod! every thing is sweet the only thing needs work is the license plate mount! Other then that Great investment!!! “- Samuel (Owner), Oct. 12, 2008
- “Totally Satisfied!I’ve owned my new Muscle now for over 6 weeks, and I must say…WOW. Everything about this bike is amazing, performance is out of this world, coupled with the ins and outs you’d hope to find on a HD. I can’t even ride any other bikes anymore, I totally recommend this ride…you won’t regret it.”- Bryan (Owner), Jan. 3, 2009
- “AWESOMEMy first Harley and LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Was concerned that my 5′6, 125 (female) body could handle it but after 300 miles I am in love. Handles great, looks great, highly recommended for anyone who wants something right in between a crotch rocket and a contemporary HD. AWESOME! (License plate suggesti…on: tilt it vertically, looks way better)”- Sabrina (Owner), Jun. 3, 2009 Review: 2009 Harley-Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle Review – Harley gets some Muscle
- MSRP: $17,199.00
- Engine Type: V Twin
- Cylinders: 2
- Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
- Valves: 8
- Valves Per Cylinder: 4
- Valve Configuration: DOHC
- Compression Ratio: 11.5:1
#4 Buell Firebolt® XB12R
User Reviews:
- “Very fun bike“- Joe (Owner), Nov. 3, 2008
- “died and went to heaven xb12r” – John Moore (Owner), Jun. 19, 2009
- MSRP: $9,995.00
- Engine Type: V Twin
- Cylinders: 2
- Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
- Valves: 4
- Valves Per Cylinder: 2
- Valve Configuration: OHV – Pushrod
- Compression Ratio: 10.0:1
#3 Kawasaki Ninja 250R
User Reviews:
- “My First Motorcycle I would recommend th…is bike for any beginning sport bike rider. It’s not a bike you’ll want to trade in after a year. I’m ready to keep mine for quite some time.- Kristi Bluhm(Owner), Jan. 12, 2009
- “Don’t be fooled… this bike will kick @$$ I was the proud owner of a yamaha R6 for many years. The R6 was fast, responsive, nimble, and very uncomfortable on long rides. I sold it last year when it started to give me transmission issues (I bought it used with high mileage). As I was looking for a new bike to buy the ergonomically designe…d ninja 250r caught my eye. Sure it was only a 250 but the seating position along with the handle bars were very comfy..”- David Medeiros(Owner), Mar. 26, 2009
- “2009 250 Ninja – Best Bang 4 The Buck!!! Okay, I went into the dealer the day before thanksgiving to look for an entry level bike for my petite wife, who has decided she’d rather learn to ride her own scooter, than ride on the back of mine. I got the 2009 250 Ninja for less than MSRP, due to the time of year and the economy, and was total…ly surprised when I took it home! It feels like a bicycle with an engine! This bike corners, brakes, and handles like it was formed to me, and I still haven’t broke it in yet!..”- Joe Hawes(Owner), Dec. 19, 2008
- MSRP: $3,999.00
- Engine Type: Parallel Twin
- Cylinders: 2
- Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
- Valves: 8
- Valves Per Cylinder: 4
- Valve Configuration: DOHC
- Compression Ratio: 11.6:1
#2 Suzuki Hayabusa™ 1340
User Reviews:
- “Sweet machine Just had her first service and haven’t been able to wipe the smile off my face yet. Suzuki has great quality, and the flag ship bike definately shows that. The only down side to this bike is that evryone wants to look at it and talk about it, which doesn’t seem that bad, but it cuts into riding time…”- Jun. 11, 2009
- “Great Bike! Absolutely taken with the 2009 Hayabusa!” – G Hep(Enthusiast), Dec. 4, 2008
- “So easy to ride!! Bought my new Busa over a month ago. After having my 04 GSXR 1000 for more than two years I thought it was time to offer my wife a bike that was easier for her sit on and easier on my body to ride, but didn’t wanna give up the horsepower. Well I definately chose the right bike. Abundant power, rides… like your sitting on a lazy boy..” – Brandon (Enthusiast), May. 9, 2009
- MSRP: $13,199.00
- Engine Type: Horizontal In-line
- Cylinders: 4
- Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
- Cooling: Liquid
- Valves: 16
- Valves Per Cylinder: 4
- Valve Configuration: DOHC
- Compression Ratio: 12.5:1
#1 Suzuki GSX-R 600
User Reviews:
- “Highly Satisfied Have about 500 miles on it now and loved every single mile. This bike is quick. It is comfortable, sounds great, looks great and is easy to ride. It has been years since I rode a sport bike and within hours I was right back into it. Still breaking it in but so far it has handled everything I have thrown at it…”- Steve(Owner), May. 26, 2009
- “Ive had my 09 for about 600 miles and also enjoyed every mile. Took her in for the first service and wasnt to thrilled to be without her for a couple days. Easy to ride,plenty of power, turns heads “- Andrew Lewis(Owner), Jun. 1, 2009
- MSRP: $10,399.00
- Engine Type: Horizontal In-line
- Cylinders: 4
- Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
- Valves: 16
- Valves Per Cylinder: 4
- Valve Configuration: DOHC
- Compression Ratio: 12.8:1
There is some fierce competition within the 2009 Sportbike Top 10. Kawasaki and Suzuki are the dominant manufactuers overall. Kawasaki holding more Top 10 positions but Suzuki dominating overall filling One and Two of the Top 3. Suzuki riders must really love their bikes. It’s not over yet tho’, those loyal to Kawasaki can still overthrow the current lead if they vote up their favorite 2009 Kawasaki Sportbikes. Alternative contenders in the Top 10 include; Buell, HD and BMW all of which are capable of taking the lead away from Suzuki for the ultimate numero’ uno rank.
luni, 2 noiembrie 2009
Top 10 Badass Swords





The Beastmaster Sword




